PREY (2022)


PREY (2022)

PREY - Based on the Predator franchise created by Jim and John Thomas, Prey is a 2022 American science fiction action film directed by Dan Trachtenberg and written by Patrick Aison. The fifth film in the series serves as a prequel to the preceding four movies. Julian Black Antelope, Michelle Thrush, Stormee Kipp, Dakota Beavers, Dane DiLiegro, and Amber Midthunder all appear in it.

When producers John Davis was approached by Trachtenberg and Aison in 2018 as The Predator was being made, they presented him with a notion they had been developing since 2016. This is when the film's development got underway.The title of the movie, which serves as an origin narrative for the primary antagonists and explains how it first came to Earth, was later revealed to be the codename for the franchise's fifth entry. In 2021, filming was planned to take place in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

On July 21, 2022, Prey made its debut at the San Diego Comic-Con. On August 5, 2022, 20th Century Studios will release it as a Hulu original movie.

PREY (2022)

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